August 2023

Mildred Kiconco Barya

The Animals of My Earth School
Terrapin Books, 2023


The Animals of My Earth School is structured in four parts of the Animal Kingdom: Insecta, Mammalia, Reptilia, and Aves. The poems explore relations between humans, animals, and their belonging in the natural world through contemporary issues of ecological balance, environmental harmony, social justice, and sustainability.

Poems read:
“Giant Stag Beetles”
“Dream of Lizard Solidarity”
“Falling in Love”

Tresha Faye Haefner

When the Moon Had Antlers
Pine Row Press, 2023


“I am blown away by Tresha Haefner’s collection, by her brave bolts of imagination and the forceful contretemps of her unexpected insights that range from personal confessional to environmental visionary. This poet interprets the world with sensitivity, joy, and a flair for invention.”
–Michelle Bitting

“These are poems we need to listen to, where ecopoetics, melancholy, and spirituality hold hands and connect us to a world where there are people who will hug us/then melt back into the night.”
–Kelli Russell Agodon

Poems read:
“Questions for a Search Engine"
“My New God Plays the Ukulele" “Let"
“How Animals Write Poetry"

Peter Johnson

While the Undertaker Sleeps: Collected and New Prose Poems
MadHat Press, 2023
Hardcover, $33.95
Paperback, $23.95


“These are poems of everyday miracles. The excitement of prose poetry is that it transgresses the rules to let the reader catch a glimpse of what could be called the true life of the imagination. This is what Peter Johnson gives us. What more could we ask of a book of poems?"
–Charles Simic

“Johnson's prose poems are comic, sexual, and endlessly inventive. They are poems of appreciation and discovery; poems that prove there is such a thing as the American prose poem."
–Russell Edson

former DMQ Review contributor