Harry Powers © 2005 All Rights Reserved

Harry Powers © 2005 All Rights Reserved

may 2005

East Tenth Street   Barry Silesky
Two Poems   Marie C. Jones
Nude Woman, Charcoal   Jayne Pupek
Immutable   Barb Lundy
Presents on the Metro   Jack Stewart
Ars Poetica  Matt Morris
And   Lucille Lang Day
“Did I mean what I said — about the light?”  David Salner
Passage   Joe Stertz
Still Life with Lemons   Linda Malnack

Visuals by
Harry Powers

from the ether


Those of us who make up the fine editorial crew “here” at the DMQ Review are pleased  to announce “From the Ether” as a feature of our quarterly journal. Physics once viewed the ether as a substance that permeated not only all interplanetary and stellar space, but the sub-atomic interstices as well. Such a notion suits the realm of online publishing, a medium that exists somewhere off the tangible grid, somewhere between a published page in your hand and voices out of thin air.

And in the time between a poem being emailed to “editors@dmqreview.com” and an email announcing the completion of  an issue, many voices contribute to the shape each takes. To lend some insight into those voices, in future issues you will hear from each of us from time to time. We’ll talk about whatever touches our editorial concerns at the moment. We’ll make announcements and pronouncements. We’ll keep it brief.

I’ve just finished reading a most enjoyable novel by Spanish writer Carlos Ruiz Zafón called The Shadow of the Wind, a page-turner that would make a great summer read. I pass along a quote found there: a book is a mirror that offers us only what we already carry inside us. That’s true of a poem, too, and part of what we hope to provide through the poets whose work we feature — an opportunity to recognize or discover yourself in someone else’s words.

Much gratitude to each of the talented contributors to this issue including Harry Powers for the use of his compelling images. And much appreciation to you, our ethereal readers, all over the planet.

We’ll be introducing another regular feature we're sure you will appreciate in the August DMQ issue. Stay tuned. 



Sally Ashton
Editor in Chief